
Growth mindset?  A lot of our students hadn’t heard this term.  “You mean code switching?”  Not really.  It is more like a mental belief system, if that makes sense.

Yes, you can build your own inner thought structure. Teens normally give you pretty suspicious looks when you talk about this, but this quarter’s students were curious and one student was inspired enough to make this drawing.

I remember how shocked I was when I realized I could choose how I thought about something.  Ask any baker, gardener, even avid walker or runner (or try this yourself) and you might also find that getting your hands busy in something helps uncover this ability and helps you step above that frenetic frontal lobe, much like a sea bird coasting over the ocean. The mind/body connection is stronger than we allow it to be.  So my reminder this quarter to myself is when in doubt (or worry), to put down the screen and get my hands busy.